Aneka Market Kitchen — vegetarian
Clear Veggies Soup (Spinach & Sweet Corn Soup)
Posted by Aneka Market on
Let's cook Clear Veggies Soup!(Indonesian style Indonesian name for this dish is Sayur Bening. Sayur means vegetable and bening means clear. The main ingredients are spinach and corn. Sometimes people add sliced tomato after finish cooking the soup. It's just a simple earthy clear soup. Ingredients:2 bunches of spinach leaves, chopped2 pieces of sweet corn, cut into medium size5 red onions (5 pcs if you use small Asian red onion, you can replace it with 1 - 1.5 shallot or a quarter of big red onion)2 bay leaves2 knuckles fingerroots rhizome (Temu Kunci), clean, and bruiseSalt and sugar to taste 1,500...
- Tags: fingerroots, soup, vegetable, vegetarian