Ayam Goreng Lengkuas (Galangal Fried Chicken)

Posted by Aneka Market on

Lengkuas, also known as laos in Javanese, or galangal (Alpinia/Greater galangal) in English, belongs to the ginger family. The rhizome is native to Southeast Asia and is a common ingredient in Thai, Indonesian and Malaysian cooking. It has a strong taste and is highly aromatic, used to flavor soups, curries, and stir fries.

Lengkuas is one of the most important spices in Indonesian cooking and it is used extensively in many regional dishes. 

Although they belong to the same family, galangal is not to be confused with ginger. They have different flavors and aromas, and cannot be used interchangeably. There is no substitute for galangal. If it’s not available, it’s better to just omit it.  (source cookinidonesian.com).

Kobe Selera instant seasoning is very practical for having fried chicken with the galangal.  

There are 2 methods  of cooking fried chicken using this brand.

  1. Braising Method - we cook the chicken first with the seasoning until the chicken absorbs the seasoning, then we deep fry the chicken.
  2.  Marinating Method -  we marinate the chicken with seasoning, then deep fry the chicken.  ( We suggest cutting chicken into smaller pcs to ensure the chicken cook properly)

Here is the video on how to cook Galangal Fried Chicken using Kobe Selera Ayam Goreng Lengkuas. 

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